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    Trapped in an ancient temple during an archeological expedition, Monsieur PAF needs to find a way to get out by solving puzzles left by a forgotten civilization.

    MrPAFSplitBaner Think3D

    An Interesting Journey of Monsieur PAF is a platform / isometric puzzle game. Sharing similar mechanics with the Sokoban, Monsieur PAF attempts to revisit the genre using 3D verticality in magnificent homemade, two-dimensional environments.


    • EXOTIC ADVENTURE: Live the cool day-to-day life of an archeologist like no other and walk through the depths of a mysterious temple buried in the heart of a faraway jungle.
    • DIABOLICAL PUZZLES: Will you find the solution to the many puzzles left by an ancient civilization on your way out? Or will you let this temple become your eternal tomb?
    • MONSIEUR PAF IS TOO POWERFUL! Nothing can stop you: lift, move or break elements around you with your strong muscles. Seems that all those nights spent at the library lifting tons and tons of books have proven to be useful.
    • COLLECT THEM ALL: Careful! You could acquire a taste for puzzles and spend way too many hours going back to solve ALL mysteries and secrets kept in this ancient temple
    • JUST PLAY: You can play and stop whenever you want, alone or with friends on a shared screen. You can’t lose, as Monsieur PAF cannot die: just have fun!

    MrPAFSplitBaner Wishlist


    Mac OS X
    SteamOS + Linux

      • 最低配置:
    • 操作系统: Windows 7/8/10
    • 处理器: Intel Core i3 1.5 GHz
    • 内存: 2 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Intel HD Family 3000
    • DirectX 版本: 10
    • 存储空间: 需要 250 MB 可用空间

    陌佑网云资源 » 帕夫先生的奇妙旅程/An Interesting Journey PAF


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    • 50027资源总数(个)
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    • 1753稳定运行(天)


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