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  • 从中世纪到今天,共有90多位世界上最有影响力的作曲家参加了一场引人入胜的庆祝活动,作曲家们讲述了他们生活,爱情和作品的迷人故事。传记作品-每位精选的作曲家都配有令人惊叹的肖像-追溯了激发每一位音乐天才的友谊,爱情和对立。简介提供了启发性的见解,揭示了推动每个人创作音乐杰作的原因-交响曲,协奏曲和歌剧乐谱-改变了古典音乐的方向,并且至今仍在庆祝和珍藏。该书用每位作曲家的绘画或照片作了华丽的插图,并附有原始乐谱和个人信件,其房屋和工作地点的图像,个人物品和其他重要手工艺品,并介绍了每个人的主要影响,主题和工作方法,将他们的作品放在更广泛的历史和文化背景中。作曲家回顾了整个世纪以来古典音乐和音乐运动的发展,对古典音乐经典巨匠的个人生活,爱情和影响力提供了令人信服的一瞥。A compelling celebration of more than 90 of the world\’s most influential composers from the medieval period to the present day, Composers reveals the fascinating stories of their lives, loves, and works. Biographical entries – introduced with a stunning portrait of each featured composer – trace the friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired each musical genius.Profiles offer revealing insights into what drove each individual to create the musical masterpieces – symphonies, concertos and operatic scores – that changed the direction of classical music and are still celebrated and treasured today.Lavishly illustrated with paintings or photographs of each composer, alongside original musical scores and personal correspondence, images of their homes and where they worked, and personal effects and other important artefacts, the book introduces the key influences, themes, and working methods of each individual, setting their works within a wider historical and cultural context.Charting the development of classical music and music movements across the centuries, Composers provides a compelling glimpse into the personal lives, loves, and influences of the giants of the classical music canon.

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